Vancouver Island Pacific Rim Overview

Tofino is the end of the Trans-Canada Highway. You just can’t go further west without getting wet! According to Environment Canada the average ‘high’ temperature for the area in July is 18.5 ºC (65.3 F). The average rainfall for the month is 76.8 mm (3 in.). Bring a fleece and an umbrella! The town of Ucluelet (U-kloo-Let) takes its name from a First Nations’ phrase meaning “the people with a good landing place for canoes.”

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Cowichan Overview

To reach Thetis Island, which is one of the least developed of the

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Whistler Overview


Are you eager to take a jump from British Columbia’s highest bungee jumping site?  Are you ready to dive off a bridge 53 m (160 ft.) above glacier fed water?  If yes, then this rush is for you.  Located 15 minutes south of Whistler Village, this bungee jumping site not only offers extreme adrenalin but also the breathtaking views of Cheakamus River and the old growth forests which surround the site.  Bungee jumping operates all year round by jump masters with over 17 years experience.

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Skookumchuk Rapids

The Skookumchuk Rapids is a beautiful scenic hike. It is about an hour hike in and another hour out. If you time your hike with the tide schedule, you will see the rapids!

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Vancouver Island Fishing Paradise Overview

A petroglyph is an engraving or carving in stone found on coastal rock faces. Some carvings in British Columbia date back 3000 years. There is an Elasmosaur in Courtenay. This creature is a fossilized Cretaceous era marine reptile that was found along the Puntledge River.

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Qualicum Beach Overview

Qualicum Beach has many activities for both tourists and locals. These are just a few samples. Bard to Broadway The 2009 season will be B2B’s 10th year. Enjoy theatre under the big tent all summer. The company presents 4 plays continously all summer long. This is the 7th year of operation and the plays have been playing to sell out crowds since its inception. The Old School House Gallery and Art Centre The Old School House is a hot bed of the best of Vancouver Island art. In addtion to ever changing shows of the work of BC artists, there […]

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Northern BC Overview

Prince Rupert receives 2552 mm (99 in.) of rain on average each year. On January 31 1947, in Smith River BC, the temperature fell to -58.9ºC (-74F). The Kitlope Valley, protected as a provincial park in 1995, is the largest unlogged temperate rainforest in the world with an area of over 4000 sq. km (2485 sq. mi.). The official tourism site for the region states that no one lives in igloos.

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Ocean Wilderness Country Overview

Port Hardy is at the end of Highway 19 and is 502 km (312 mi.) from Victoria. Not a day trip, but well worth the effort. Most Northwest First Nations celebrate special events by hosting a potlatch ceremony. European missionaries misunderstood it and so the potlatch was banned from 1884 to 1951. You can learn more at Alert Bay‘s U’Mista Cultural Centre.

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Prince Rupert Overview